They have actively provided themselves with on-site food, including vegetables, fruits, poultry, and eggs. Their self-reliance on these food and vegetables sources has helped improve the quality of their meals and material life, contributing to ensuring good health of troops, so that they could accomplish their assigned missions.

Below are several photos of troops’ food self-reliance.

Troops at border management and protection and COVID-19 prevention checkpoint No.15 run by the Border Post of Tinh Bien International Border Gate taking care of vegetables
Vegetables vary from water spinach, amaranth, mustard greens, Malabar spinach and other vegetables used as spices.
A corner of the garden cared by troops of border management and protection and COVID-19 prevention checkpoint No.7 of the Border Post of Vinh Xuong International Border Gate
A garden full of vegetables taken care of by troops at checkpoint No.10 under Vinh Nguon Border Post
Troops at checkpoint No.8 under the Border Post of Tinh Bien International Border Gate raising Muscovy ducks for troops’ meals
Troops’ meal quality improved thanks to troops’ food self-reliance 
Troops at checkpoint No.6 of Nhon Hoi Border Post preparing lunch from self-produced food

Source: bienphong

Translated by Mai Huong