Speaking at the event, Gen. Vinh, who is also Head of the MND’s Steering Committee 50, highly appreciated the business’s obtained achievements in carrying out the movement.

The defense leader asked the corporation to continue to bring into play the achieved results; enhance dissemination of emulation and reward movements for its employees.

General Vinh and the MND's delegation at Dong Bac Corporation

He also requested steering committees 50 at all levels to pro-actively and actively study and propose measures to carry out the movement in line with the unit’s reality; continue to raise the effectiveness of technical management work in general and technical equipment management in particular; foster the application of information technology and digital transformation to management work; pay attention to ensuring absolute safety during production, especially in the management of technical equipment, weapons, and industrial explosive materials, contributing to building a comprehensively strong, exemplary, and outstanding unit.

* The same day, Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Vu Hai San worked with key leaders of the Signal Corps on logistics, construction, and investment work, during which he praised the corps for its obtained results over the past time.

Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Vu Hai San listens to the Signal Corps' report on task performance.

He asked the corps to continue to study and effectively ensure communication for both regular and unexpected tasks. Regarding capital construction and investment, the force should accelerate the progress of projects to ensure that they would be completed on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of its foundation day (September 9, 1945 – 2025); pay attention to the life of officers, employees, and troops who are performing missions in remote areas.  

* While chairing a conference of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) to discuss the draft of the Central Military Commission’s Conclusion on the outcomes in carrying out military and defense missions and building of the Military Party Organization in the first six months and key tasks in the second half of the year, the GDP’s Deputy Chief Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau highlighted the GDP Department of Organization’s preparations and valued constructive ideas at the event.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau chairs the conference.

Gen. Gau requested functional agencies to collect delegates’ ideas, thus adding and completing the drafted conclusion.

* On June 18, Deputy Chief of the General Staff (GS) Lt. Gen. Nguyen Doan Anh attended the opening ceremony of a refresher course for technical personnel in the whole military in 2024 and a doctoral training program held by the Military Science and Technology Institute.    

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Doan Anh addresses the event.

During the three-month long course, scientists and instructors will equip trainees with professional knowledge about technical science serving the exploitation and mastery of new weapons and equipment; knowledge about science and technology and digital transformation and application of technologies to technical management and protection of troops’ health and the environment.

Speaking at the event, Gen. Anh acknowledged and highly appreciated the institute's education, training, scientific research and asked trainees to actively learn to grasp new and in-depth knowledge and effectively apply them to task implementation in the future. He also encouraged the scholars to actively research and complete doctoral dissertations with the highest quality, thus becoming experts and highly skilled technical officers, capable of fulfilling all assigned tasks.

Translated by Tran Hoai