According to Major General Pham Van Ty, Deputy Director of the Search and Rescue Department under the General Staff and Deputy Chief of the Standing Office of the National Committee in Incident, Disaster Response and Search and Rescue, in spite of the long journey, all 76 Vietnamese troops and six service dogs currently are in good health conditions and with high determination.

The VPA’s search and rescue force arrives in Hatay, Turkey.

At the airport, the delegation exchanged information with representatives of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority under Turkey’s Ministry of Interior to follow the situation.

As scheduled, after receiving the luggage and checking all equipment and necessities serving search and rescue missions, the delegation will station at a stadium in Antakya city and make thorough preparations to perform their search and rescue task.

Troops quickly arrange their luggage and make preparations for the rescue missions.
Representatives of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority under Turkey’s Ministry of Interior exchange information with the Vietnamese delegation.
Vietnamese soldiers are ready for task performance.

Earlier, the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, decided to send 76 troops of the Vietnam People’s Army to perform international service in Turkey to help the country surmount the aftermaths of a recent devasting earthquake. The Vietnamese search and rescue mission consisted of 30 military medical officers from the General Department of Logistics, 30 engineers from the Engineering Corps, six service dogs and nine handlers, and seven officers of the commanding chain.

Local people thank Vietnamese troops for their timely support.

Reported by Van Hieu from Hatay, Turkey

Translated by Quynh Oanh