In particular, in Sithuan village (Champasak province) and Vangtad village (Attapeu province), the delegation handed over 300 gift packages, worth VND 500,000 each, to needy families in the localities. Also, the delegation helped 12 poor households repair their houses.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Xuan Son presents gifts to Lao people.

Meanwhile, medical staff offered free medical examinations and medicines to more than 3,000 local people, as well as worked with local authorities to disseminate information about measures to prevent common diseases, among others.

On the occasion, the delegation visited and extended greetings to the Military Command of Champasak and Attapeu provinces on the occasion of the Lao traditional New Year festival Bunpimay.

Doctors of the delegation give health check-ups to the locals.

According to Senior Colonel Nguyen Xuan Son, Deputy Political Commissar of the Binh Dinh provincial Military Command, the annual activities have become a good tradition of the provincial armed forces.

Colonel Son added they aimed to effectively implement the Party and State’s foreign policy and external defense work and consolidate the solidarity and friendship between the Vietnamese and Lao militaries in general and among the military commands of three provinces in particular.

Moreover, these activities contributed to promoting international exchange activities and well implementing cooperation programs on socio-economic and cultural development between Vietnam’s Binh Dinh province and Southern Lao provinces.

Translated by Quynh Oanh