The course was part of the plan on organizing the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia military medical exercise within the first Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia border defense friendship exchange.

At the event

The event was attended by Deputy Director of the Department of Military Medicine of the General Department of Logistics Senior Colonel Le Van Dong; Deputy Logistics Chief of Military Region 5 Senior Colonel Le Thanh Ton; Cambodian Deputy Director of Pres Ketomeadea Hospital Major General Mok Serey Sombath, Deputy Director of Hospital 106 Lieutenant Colonel Syha Chanthabout, and 153 military medical officers of the three countries.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Senior Colonel Le Thanh Ton emphasized that the Vietnamese, Lao, and Cambodian military medical forces have cooperated in conducting different tasks, including humanitarian assistance. Over the past years, military medical forces of the three countries have organized various bilateral exercises in response to natural disasters and incidents. This is the first time that the military medical forces of the three countries have coordinated to organize an exercise on humanitarian assistance and international aid.  

The deputy logistics chief of Military Region 5 asked the participants to thoroughly study the training program and exchange experience with each other to pass them on to other military medical staff.

After the opening ceremony, the trainees started learning contents related to disasters and medical response in disasters; organization of medical emergency teams and aero-medical evacuation; patient classification, first aid provision, and treatment and transportation of patients in mass casualties.

The participants in this refresher course will be key forces to carry out medical relief in disasters.

Translated by Chung Anh