The exercise was chaired by Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, and saw the presence of Indian defense attaché to Vietnam, the delegation of Indian observers, leaders from the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense’s affiliates, and members of the steering board of VINBAX 2023 exercise.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Phung Si Tan (first, left) and other delegates observe the integrated field exercise.

At the event, Vietnamese and Indian officers practiced an integrated situation of building barracks, dispersing protestors, and conducting aero-medevac. This close-to-reality situation is what U.N. staff might confront while taking on duties at U.N. missions.

In a simulated scenario, a victim files a lawsuit against a U.N. staff for sexual abuse.

In this exercise, the engineering force and medical unit, which is the reinforced level-1-field hospital, teamed with each other to handle the situation. They strictly observed the U.N. standards and regulations with the main principle of using peaceful measures and protecting servicemen’s safety and U.N. property.

The armed extremists head to the barracks.
The force suppresses the extremists breaking into the barracks.
Putting out the fire caused by the extremists
Giving first aid to an injured serviceman

The integrated field exercise at VINBAX 2023 aimed to provide engineers undertaking peacekeeping tasks with skills to deal with situations in reality to meet expertise requirements and promote responses to complicated situations in garrisoned areas.

A helicopter is tasked to fly heavily-injured patients to a higher level medical station.
U.N. standards are observed to ensure safety for the patients during the aero-medevac.

Talking about the outcomes of the exercise, Lieutenant Colonel Dalpati, Head of the Indian Military Medical Team to the VINBAX 2023, highly praised the good coordination between the engineering and medical teams. He said that they met the time requirement and both forces gained useful experience. He added that in the exercise, they learnt policies and practical experience from each other, which would be definitely necessary when engaging in peacekeeping duties.

In a conversation with the reporter of the People’s Army Newspaper, Colonel Aseem Gupta, head of the Indian Army Contingent to the VINBAX 2023, expressed thanks to the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense for organizing the VINBAX 2023.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Phung Si Tan presents flowers to Vietnamese and Indian peacekeeping forces congratulating them on the good completion of the exercise.
Gen. Tan exchanges with the heads of the Vietnamese and Indian forces after the exercise.

He said that participating forces had wonderful performances in the integrated field exercise. The VINBAX 2023 met all their expectations, from sharing knowledge, experience to drawing lessons for both Vietnamese and Indian peacekeeping forces, thus strengthening the two militaries’ effective and practical cooperation in U.N. peacekeeping operations.

Translated by Mai Huong