The Vietnamese delegation to the event was led by Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff (GS) of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Defense Minister.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong and the Vietnamese delegation at the meeting

In his opening speech, Sr. Lt. Gen. Khamlieng Outhakaysone welcomed Chiefs of Defense Forces of ASEAN member states, affirming that cooperation among ASEAN militaries plays an important role in contributing to building an ASEAN of peace, prosperity, and security.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Khamlieng Outhakaysone urged ASEAN member states to commit to further contribute to peace, prosperity, and security in the region, while continuously building strategic trust via dialogues and cooperation; and believed that the ACDFM-21 would make contribution to boosting cooperation among ASEAN militaries.

After the event’s agenda was presented, delegates to the ACDFM-21 also listened to the reports on the results of the 21st ASEAN Military Intelligence Meeting (AMIM-21) and the 14th ASEAN Military Operations Meeting (AMOM-14).

At the ACDFM-21, the ASEAN chiefs of defense forces expressed their support for the ASEAN 2024 Year theme chosen by the host Laos as “ASEAN: Together for Peace, Security and Resilience.” This theme reflects the common hope of all ASEAN member states on strengthening solidarity and joining hands towards building a prosperous and resilient ASEAN Community and effectively responding to current and potential challenges facing the region.

In addition, they discussed regional and international issues, especially traditional and non-traditional challenges that have direct impacts on the region, reviewed cooperation results among ASEAN militaries, contributing to enhancing practical and effective collaboration among them in the coming time.

The ASEAN chiefs of defense forces sign the ACDFM-21 Joint Statement.

Speaking at the meeting, Gen. Cuong highly appreciated the role of the ACDFM as a top important forum marking the solidarity and restlessly-developed cooperation among ASEAN militaries. The Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army emphasized that the ACDFM-21 would be a success, helping map out measures and directions to boost defense cooperation via present mechanisms and initiatives, and roll out new initiatives to maintain and further foster solidarity, consensus, and cooperation among ASEAN militaries, contributing to consolidating peace and security in the region. At the same time, he stressed that Vietnam always supports Laos in fulfilling the responsibility of ASEAN Chairmanship in 2024.

The Vietnamese defense leader held that, boosting political trust, solidarity, and practical cooperation among nations and militaries in the region is the only way for ASEAN to effectively and thoroughly address trans-national traditional and non-traditional challenges. Meanwhile, he also underlined the importance of ASEAN-centered mechanisms and forums, and regional and multilateral forums in beefing up trust and mutual understanding, towards working together to address any conflicts and disputes by peaceful means.

Gen. Cuong emphasized the strategic information sharing among ASEAN militaries and highly appreciated the adoption of the concept document on establishing the ASEAN Military Intelligence Community (AMIC) at the AMIM-20. Vietnam will host AMIC leaders’ first meeting in Vietnam in the coming time.

In addition, the head of the Vietnamese delegation called on countries to continue to maintain peace, security, and stability in the region. He held that Vietnam consistently pursues resolving all disputes at sea by peaceful means, on the basis of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982; and that Vietnam supports full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (aka South China Sea) and an early conclusion of negotiations and signing of a substantive and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea in line with international law.

The ASEAN chiefs of defense forces show solidarity and friendship at the meeting.

Last but not least, General Cuong underlined that, as a responsible member of the international community and ASEAN, the Vietnam People’s Army has been and will continue to participate responsibly in cooperation activities among ASEAN militaries. He then went on to say that Vietnam will organize the second International Defense Expo and the ASEAN Military Music Exchange on the occasion of the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, adding that Vietnam looks forward to receiving the support and active participation of ASEAN member countries in these important events.

At the end of the meeting, the ASEAN chiefs of defense forces approved the two-year action plan (2024-2026) and adopted and signed the ACDFM-21 Joint Statement. The ACDFM Chairmanship 2025 was also handed over to Malaysia at the event.

* On the sidelines of the ACDFM-21, on the same day, General Cuong had bilateral meetings with head delegates participating in the event.

At the meeting with General Romeo Saturnino Brawner Jr., Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, General Cuong expressed his delight at the bilateral defense cooperation. Since the beginning of this year, the two sides witnessed an array of important activities, including the official visit of Vietnamese Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang. Hence, General Cuong hoped that both sides should continue to maintain interaction channels, boost exchanges, especially between their young officers, and support each other at multilateral forums and mechanisms.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong (left) and General Romeo Saturnino Brawner Jr., Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines

During the conversation with General Songwit Noonpakdee, Royal Thai Armed Forces Chief of Defense, General Cuong hoped the Thai officer would direct relevant agencies of the Royal Thai Armed Forces to further boost cooperation with Vietnamese counterparts.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong (right) meets with General Songwit Noonpakdee, Royal Thai Armed Forces Chief of Defense.

Meanwhile, at the bilateral meeting with Vice Admiral Aaron Beng, Chief of Defense Force of Singapore, General Cuong urged both sides to further develop their cooperation in delegation exchange, annual dialogue mechanisms, and education and training.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong and Vice Admiral Aaron Beng, Chief of Defense Force of Singapore.

At these meetings, General Cuong also invited the head delegates and leaders of ASEAN militaries to the ceremony to celebrate the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army, the International Defense Expo and the ASEAN Military Music Exchange in December 2024.

* On the evening of September 5, General Cuong attended an ACDFM-21 official banquet. On the night of the same day, General Cuong and his entourage returned to Hanoi, wrapping up the visit to the ACDFM-21. 

Reported by Van Chien from Vientiane, Laos

Translated by Minh Anh