During the visit to the Chinese Transport Helicopter Unit, its Commanding Officer Colonel Song Xinning, shared that over the past time, the Chinese unit and the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2 have supported each other in professional tasks. The two units have regularly organized cultural and sports exchange activities to enhance their ties.

The Chinese Transport Helicopter Unit receives Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son and the delegation.
The Vietnamese delegation, Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2 and the Chinese Transport Helicopter Unit in a joint photo
The Nigerian Self-defense Team receives the Vietnamese delegation.

For his part, Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son spoke highly of the achievements obtained by the Chinese Transport Helicopter Unit, expressed his delight at the development of the two unit’s ties, and hoped that they would continue to support each other and create favorable conditions to successfully accomplish all assigned missions.

During the visit to the Nigerian Self-defense Team, Gen. Son and the Vietnamese delegation were briefed on personnel affairs, activities, facilities and the unit’s difficulties.

He required the Nigerian Defense Team and Vietnam’s Engineering Company Rotation 2 to continue to enhance their good relations to fulfill all tasks assigned by their countries and the U.N.

Reported by Ngoc Hung (from UNISFA)

Translated by Song Anh