The hospital initiated Civil-Military Co-operation (CIMIC) activities to assist locals in Bentiu, South Sudan.

Presenting gifts to Bentiu General Hospital

A charity group from the hospital, led by Deputy Director Major Le Viet Anh, presented gifts and provided free healthcare to patients at Bentiu General Hospital. Many locals received health check-ups, consultancy, and free medicines from Vietnamese doctors during the event.

The Director of Bentiu General Hospital sent a thank-you message to Vietnam's L2FH Rotation 4 for their support and assistance to the hospital and people in Bentiu, according to Lieutenant Colonel Do Thi Hang Nga, Deputy Director of the Vietnamese hospital. He expressed hope that the Vietnamese hospital would continue to engage in practical voluntary activities like this in the near future.

Providing free health check-ups and medicines to the locals

Through CIMIC activities, Vietnam's L2FH Rotation 4 left a positive impression on the local authorities and people while demonstrating their capability and professionalism in providing healthcare services for staff at UNMISS.

Recently, the hospital has successfully completed the U.N. capacity assessment test. The UNMISS inspection team, led by its Chief Medical Officer Colonel Edward Nyarko, went to Bentiu to assess the hospital's operational capacity. Appreciating the hospital's capacity to perform tasks, Colonel Edward Nyarko stated that the hospital's capacity has improved and developed during its mission. During the visit, he requested that the hospital share its experience in treatment and knowledge in medical training so that it could be applied in other hospitals in UNMISS.

The UNMISS inspection team evaluated the Vietnamese hospital's comprehensive capability in performing various tasks, including professionalism, healthcare, personnel, logistics and technical affairs, training, combat readiness, and response to emerging issues.

During the inspection, the Vietnamese hospital demonstrated excellent performance in handling two complex medical situations set by Colonel Edward Nyarko.

Translated by Trung Thanh