PANO - The Department of Logistics under the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army on February 25th held a get-together for doctors and medical workers from its 32 constituent units to mark the 61st anniversary of the Vietnamese Doctors' Day (February 27th 1955, February 27th 2016).

At the get-together

At the event, delegates were briefed on the results of the task implementation of the general department's medical sector over the past year. Accordingly, the sector has increasingly improved its supervision of affiliate units, effectively carried out sanitation regulations and closely collaborated with organizations and units to ensure food safety for troops and environmental hygiene in barracks. Additionally, it provided health check-ups to 9,328 people, offered medicine to 7,756 people, and gave emergency treatment to 57 patients.

Doctors and medical staff have always upheld their ethics and improved professionalism to better care for troops, while maintaining high combat readiness and fulfilling all assigned missions.

* The same day, Vice State President Nguyen Thi Doan attended a similar celebration at Hanoi Medical University (HMU).

Addressing the event, the Vice President praised the school's results over the past time and asked its staff to work harder to improve teaching and learning methods, apply the world’s scientific achievements and technologies, and turn out a contingent of doctors with good professional qualifications and medical ethics in the future.

On this occasion, a statue of French Doctor Alexandre Yersin, the first headmaster of HMU, which was established in 1902 under the French name École de Médecine de l’Indochine, was inaugurated.

* Military Hospital 108 of the Ministry of National Defence also observed a similar event with the participation of former doctors and medical workers. At the ceremony, delegates recalled the hospital's heroic traditions and its contributions to the national construction and defence cause. The hospital plans to improve their medical equipment and facilities in order to better serve people's needs in the time to come.

Translated by Trung Thanh