The event was chaired by Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, UNISFA Force Commander and Acting Head of Mission.

Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr reviews the Guards-of-Honor.

The highlight of the ceremony was the parade of eight units, namely the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 1, the infantry battalions of India, Ghana, Pakistan, Bangladesh, units from Nigeria and Nepal, and the Chinese Helicopter Unit.

Laying a wreath in commemoration of fallen U.N. peacekeepers who had laid down their lives while performing U.N. peacekeeping missions

At the event, the Mission’s chain-of-command and leaders laid wreath in commemoration of U.N. peacekeepers who had sacrificed their lives while implementing their duties.

Taking place in a solemn atmosphere, the ceremony demonstrated the blue berets’ responsibility, solidarity, mutual support and high determination to complete U.N. peacekeeping tasks.

Given this year’s theme “Peace begins with me,” Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr expressed his hope that each of the participants will keep it in mind and continue to contribute to the community and everyone. “I appreciate your bravery, actions and commitment to the U.N. peacekeeping mission,” the general said.

Vietnamese U.N. peacekeepers during the event

On this occasion, he conveyed the U.N. Secretary-General’s message that "U.N. peacekeepers are the beating heart of our commitment to a more peaceful world. For 75 years, they have supported people and communities rocked by conflict and upheaval across the globe.”

As part of the event, many interesting activities were held, including a golf tournament, a basketball tourney, and a culture - food festival.

Delegates in a joint photo

At the culture - food festival, each unit had a booth to introduce their homeland’s specialties. The food pavilion of the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 1 left deep impression on visitors and peers. At the pavilion, Vietnamese female peacekeepers indulged visitors with traditional food, such as rice cakes, glutinous rice doughnut, spring rolls, sweetened pumpkin soup, coffee, lemon tea, and more.

The Vietnamese Engineering Company also took the opportunity  to screen images about Vietnam, its people, and landscapes.

In the cultural exchange, the Vietnamese engineers performed two acts: a solo bamboo flute show by non-commissioned Second Lieutenant Phung Minh Hieu, and a duo singing by non-commissioned Majors Pham Van Nam and Nguyen Thi Thanh Tam.

The International Day of U.N. Peacekeepers honors peacekeepers’ great contribution to international peace and security. Since 1948, more than 2 million peacekeepers have been deployed to 71 U.N. peacekeeping missions worldwide, helping the host countries in transition from war to peace. Currently, over 87,000 U.N. peacekeepers from 125 countries are working at 12 U.N. peacekeeping missions.

Translated by Mai Huong