Present in all corners

According to Director of Vietnam’s Level-1 Field Hospital under the Engineering Company Rotation 1 Major Nguyen Thi Hong Quyen, most of the members in the hospital are women, and they often have to work far from their base. Therefore, the female doctors take on short-term missions, usually within a day and in places not too far from the unit. Meanwhile, male doctors, together with the Engineering Company, perform long-term tasks far from the hospital.

Vietnamese engineers working in difficult terrains

The hospital always mobilizes personnel, together with engineers, to perform assigned missions.

According to the hospital’s nurse non-commissioned Senior Captain Tran Duc Thuan, he has been accompanying the engineer force to build the Todach-Goli arterial road for nearly three months. There are seven months left and the hospital members have to take on the task in shifts.

In Abyei, the Vietnamese engineering force always works in harsh weather conditions. Therefore, they might suffer from heatstroke and need immediate medical aid. They are also injured when performing their tasks. Thus, the Vietnamese doctors always bring necessary drugs, splints, stretchers, cotton, bandages...

In addition to regular tasks, there are also urgent missions. Hence, they are all on standby to perform their assigned missions whenever requested.

Doctor Nguyen Thi Hong Quyen noted that the engineering force always undertake arduous tasks, even dangerous ones. As a result, they are always accompanied by military medical force in any circumstances.

Sound supports

In order to ensure health for troops in the areas, under harsh weather conditions with many complicated diseases, doctors of Vietnam’s Level-1 Field Hospital have to try their best to both prevent and control pandemic and maintain treatment for patients. When they arrived in Abyei on the very first days, many of them had malaria. At that time, they were supported by Pakistan’s Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 1 and Ghana’s Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 2.

Due to the extremely difficult infrastructure conditions in Abyei and harsh weather conditions, there are many diseases in the area, such as dengue fever, yellow fever, COVID-19, cholera, typhoid, and meningitis, among others.

Vietnamese medical staff providing healthcare for locals

However, so far, the hospital has well prevented and controlled diseases in the unit, especially malaria, so as to ensure health for troops to accomplish assigned missions.

Furthermore, the hospital also provides free health check-ups and medicines to the local people. The noble deed of the Vietnamese “blue-beret” doctors has left good impression on the locals.

The efforts of the Vietnamese peacekeeping doctors have contributed to the remarkable achievements of the Engineering Company Rotation 1 performing international service overseas.

Translated by Minh Anh