During the event, both sides spoke highly of the cooperative relations between MR4 and Lao units and localities over the past time, following the viewpoints and foreign policy proposed by the two parties, states and defense ministries.

A view of the joint conference

In particular, last year, the MR4 Command directed relevant agencies and units to closely coordinate with Lao units and localities to ensure safety in border areas; well implement advisory role and collaboration to help the Lao side build strong grassroots political systems at all levels, contributing to maintaining political security and social safety and order; and carry out several projects, models and delegation exchange activities in border areas.

Meanwhile, the Vietnamese units teamed up with other forces in search, collection and repatriation of remains of fallen Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and advisors in Laos, among others.

The two sides sign the coordination agreement.

This year, the two sides agreed to coordinate in grasping and managing local situational developments to inform each other of issues related to security and order, especially plots and tricks of hostile forces, in a timely manner while promoting dissemination to raise awareness of the two countries’ people and armed forces about the history, traditions, sentiments, and the great friendship and special solidarity between Vietnam and Laos.

Also at the event, the two sides signed the coordination agreement in 2024.

Translated by Quynh Oanh