During the working session with Lieutenant General Le Duc Thai, the host and the guest expressed their delight at the development of Vietnam-China relations, underlining that the two countries have maintained exchange programs and further promoted cooperation in various fields, including politics, economics-trade, national defense, and security. 

Delegates in a joint photo

The two countries’ border and immigration agencies have strictly implemented legal documents on border work and other signed cooperation agreements, especially the agreement inked by Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense and China’s Ministry of Public Security on law enforcement coordination mechanisms in border and border gate management and control.

At the event, Deputy Minister Xu Ganlu proposed that in the time to come, the two sides should continue to intensify and deepen law enforcement cooperation mechanisms in border areas, thereby lifting the bilateral ties to a new height and maintaining a stable environment in border and border gate areas.

Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai required the host to continue to pay more attention to further enhancing friendship, understanding, trust, solidarity and cooperation between the Vietnam Border Guard Command and the National Immigration Administration of China, for the Vietnam-China border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai (left) presents a souvenir to Deputy Minister Xu Ganlu.

Earlier, during the conference reviewing the outcomes of coordination in law enforcement in border and border gate areas over the past time, Deputy Director of the National Immigration Administration of China Liu Haitao and Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai evaluated that the coordination between two sides has been continuously cultivated. Both sides agreed to maintain existing cooperative contents and expand coordination in the fields of mutual concern.

On the occasion, the Vietnamese delegation visited and worked with the Immigration Border Checkpoints of Shaanxi province.

Translated by Quynh Oanh