Shangri-La hotel in Singapore (Photo: Reuters)

The Vietnamese delegation’s participation in the event reaffirms the country’s active and proactive role and high sense of responsibility in regional and international issues, and demonstrates its goodwill to strengthen friendship and cooperation and to share experience with countries in addressing common security challenges.

This year’s dialogue will have seven plenary sessions focusing on the main themes of next steps for the U.S.’s Indo-Pacific strategy, managing geopolitical competition in a multipolar region, developing new forms of security cooperation, military modernization and new defense capabilities, China's vision on regional order, common defense challenges in Asia-Pacific and Europe, and new ideas to secure regional stability. In addition, there will be three special sessions on climate change and green defense, Myanmar, and maritime security.

The Vietnamese defense chief is expected to deliver a speech at the dialogue. On the sidelines of the dialogue, General Giang will have bilateral meetings with several leaders of defense ministries and militaries of other countries to discuss measures to intensify defense ties.

Translated by Chung Anh