The tireless efforts of the unit's troops in building a borderline of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation, and mutual development are their practical deed to enhance the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

Huong Lap Border Post presents gifts to A Via Primary School.


Vietnam-Laos brotherhood

In spite of living in different countries, people in Huong Viet commune and La Co village cluster have upheld close relationship. Lieutenant Colonel Ho Le Luan, Political Commissar of Huong Lap Border Post, said that the cassava gardens on both sides of the road leading to A Via village in La Co village cluster are the gardens of solidarity and friendship since they are planted by A Via and Ka Tieng villagers.

More than ten years ago, Laos' A Via and Vietnam's Ka Tieng villages set up twinning relations to facilitate economic development and poverty reduction, and a “friendship garden” model was born to mark the event. This model has served as a source of income for people in the two villages, contributing to improving the living standards of local residents.

One interesting thing is that many people in A Via are Lao citizens of Vietnamese origin. Ka Dinh is one of them. The old man is always proud that he spent his youth contributing to Vietnam’s revolution. Nearly 20 years, he fought in the Binh Tri Thien theater and participated in Khe Sang Campaign. When Quang Tri province was liberated, as a cadre in charge of youth movement, Ka Dinh mobilized young people to build Huong Hoa district.

Talking about the reason why he chose to stay in A Via instead of coming back to Huong Viet, Dinh recalled that at that time his families considered both Vietnam and Laos their homeland.  

Towards lasting value

Border marker 591 is located right in Ta Rung sub-border gate area (Huong Viet commune, Huong Hoa district), where many joint activities of border guard forces and people living along the borderline take place. When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, border entry and exit activities were temporarily suspended to serve pandemic prevention and control. This had strong impact on the life of people in La Co village cluster. However, in this difficult time, the sentiment of people living along the borderline to each other were proven and consolidated. Bottles of fish sauce, salt bags, boxes of instant noodles, and medical supplies were gathered at the border marker to hand over to the Lao people for pandemic prevention and control.

Most recently, a program to exchange experience and present gifts to teachers and students of La Co Primary and Secondary Boarding School and Huong Viet Primary - Secondary School was held, during which hundreds of gifts including groceries, school supplies, clothes, and blankets were given to people, students, and Border Guard Company 321 of the Savannakhet provincial Military Command.

According to Head of Huong Lap Border Post Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Cong Trinh, the unit has mobilized benefactors to donate necessities to support people on both sides of the borderline. Many people joined the program since they knew that the donations would be given to the Lao people. The officer affirmed that the bilateral friendship has been cultivated by not only border guard force and those living in border areas, but also all the Vietnamese. “The sentiment has motivated us to be more responsible,” said Trinh.

Vietnamese and Lao students joining a Mid-autumn event held by Huong Lap Border Post

Evaluating border diplomacy work over the past time, Deputy Secretary of Sepon district Party Committee Bunlom Suphamixay said that whether the relations between Laos and Vietnam are forever green and forever sustainable or not, it depends on not only current but also future generation of officials and people. These exchange activities are a solid foundation for people on both sides of the borderline to further cultivate the solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Laos and work together to build a borderline of peace, friendship, and cooperation for mutual development.


Translated by Tran Hoai