Major General Vu Thanh Van at the event

This statement was made during the tenth meeting of the Vietnam - Singapore joint working group on defense cooperation, which was held virtually on October 25.

The Vietnamese defense delegation was led by Director of the Department of Foreign Relations Major General Vu Thanh Van while Director of the Defense Policy Office at the Singaporean Ministry of Defense led the Singaporean side.

At the meeting, both sides agreed that over the past time, the joint working group mechanism has so far proven to play a significant role in making recommendations to the two ministries’ leaders and developing practical cooperation activities between the two ministries and militaries.

The event is held virtually.

They also affirmed that leaders of the two countries considered defense cooperation one of the important areas that needed to be promoted. Therefore, the bilateral defense cooperation has been jointly developed, reaching positive outcomes in many fields such as naval cooperation, search and rescue, young officer exchange, education and training, mutual consultation and support at multilateral defense mechanisms and forums, among others.

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam - Singapore diplomatic relationship and the 10th anniversary of the countries’ strategic partnership in 2023, on the basis of an agreement on bilateral defense cooperation in February 2022 as well as achievements in cooperation over the past time, the two sides will report to the leaders of the two defense ministries to direct agencies and units to continue promoting the cooperation in many fields, such as delegation exchange and boosting the role of current cooperation mechanisms.

In addition, they should give priority to training and education, mutual support at multilateral defense mechanisms and forums, while expanding cooperation in other fields that are potential of each side.

Translated by Minh Anh