Currently, there are 63 Lao and 44 Cambodian cadets studying and working at the school. On the occasion of Laos’ Bunpimay and Cambodia’s Chol Chnam Thmay festivals, on behalf of the unit’s chains-of-command, Political Commissar Senior Colonel Ha Sy Chien inquired after the foreign cadets and extended greetings to them, and wished that the solidarity, friendship and comprehensive cooperation among the militaries and peoples of the three countries of Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia would further develop.

Senior Colonel Ha Sy Chien presents gifts to the Lao and Cambodian cadets.

For their parts, the Lao and Cambodian cadets also thanked the school for taking care of and creating favorable conditions for their study, pledged to promote responsibility in learning, strictly observe the school’s discipline and regulations, and strive to complete the training course in Vietnam and employ the acquired knowledge to serve their countries and militaries.

On this occasion, the Signal Officer Candidate School also held cultural and sport events for the Lao and Cambodian cadets, contributing to boosting ties between the school and the cadets while consolidating and strengthening the solidarity, friendship and mutual understanding among the peoples and militaries of the three countries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Translated by Minh Anh