Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien chairs the event.

Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Defense Minister, Head of the Inter-sectoral Working Group, and Head of the Ministry of National Defense’s Steering Committee on Vietnam’s Participation in U.N. Peacekeeping Operations, chaired the event.

Addressing the ceremony, Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien shared difficulties and hardships with U.N. peacekeepers, especially female ones and hailed their all-out efforts and high determination to fulfill all duties.

Speaking highly of the Vietnamese U.N. peacekeeping force at U.N. missions, the deputy defense minister recalled his recent visit to the U.N. Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), during which he received high appreciation from the mission’s commander and local leaders for the operational efficiency of Vietnamese peacekeepers, including the Engineering Company Rotation 1.

Deputy Defense Minister Hoang Xuan Chien hands over decisions to seven peacekeepers.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien highlighted the high rate of female peacekeepers of Vietnam, 16.7%. Especially, the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 1 has 21 servicewomen, accounting for nearly 12%, while there is no female officer in other foreign engineering companies. Notably, Vietnam is among countries highly praised by the U.N. in terms of units and officers outstandingly completing their assignments, 31%. Together with their professional tasks, Vietnamese female peacekeepers have actively participated in mass mobilization work and supported local people to have a better life.

He asked the peacekeepers to embrace and strictly implement the Party, State, and military’s viewpoints and foreign policies, promote the tradition of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force, and noble qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, and observe U.N. regulations and the host country’s law.

He also requested them to keep internal solidarity, boost ties with foreign peers and local people, making the peacekeeping operations of Vietnam more professional, effective, deserving the trust of the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense.

A representative of the Military Women Advisory Board presents gifts to female peacekeepers.

He asked the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations (VNDPKO) and relevant units to better the policy for troops’ family. He also requested agencies and units to actively train officers for the work, improve the effectiveness of the pre-deployment professional training work and foreign language learning with a focus on those with good command of both English and French.

In his speech, VNDPKO Director Major General Hoang Kim Phung informed that Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien and Senior Captain Le Nhu Tien are the first Vietnamese officers to be sent to the European Union Training Mission in Central African Republic (EUTM RCA) this time as training advisors. Both are fluent in both English and French and capable of meeting task requirements at the mission.

Maj. Gen. Hoang Kim Phung said that the expanded participation in a new U.N. mission proves Vietnamese officers’ prestige and professionalism in working in a multilateral international environment, confirms the country’s efficiency in engaging in U.N. peacekeeping operations, and demonstrates Vietnam’s commitment to actively getting involved in the common work of the international community as a responsible member. It also helps introduce the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and underlines the country’s more intensive international integration, particularly in defense area.

Participants in a joint photo

Proud and honored to undertake duties at a new U.N. mission as EUTM RCA in one year, Lt. Col. Vu Thi Lien said that it is a big chance for them to further study, gain knowledge and experience to better carry out assigned tasks.

Other officers will be sent to the U.N. Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), and the U.N. Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Central African Republic (MINUSCA) to replace Vietnamese peacekeepers having completed their one-year tenure. One will take on the duty as light engineering staff officer at UNISFA.

Translated by Mai Huong