Speaking at the event, Deputy Chief of the Office Major General Nguyen Van Chinh evaluated that the course ended successfully, meeting all set targets and program.

At the closing ceremony

Gen. Chinh praised Lao officers and staff for their efforts in studying during the course. They have acquired knowledge provided and valuable experience shared during the nearly one-month event. 

The general expected that the participating Lao officers and staff would continue to apply acquired knowledge and experience to their task performance, contributing to raising the effectiveness of the archival work to meet higher task requirements.

“We are proud of the unique Vietnam - Laos special friendship, which is an invaluable asset that has been nurtured by generations of Party and State leaders, people, and militaries. Each of officers and staff in the two militaries should together strive to uphold and promote the values of the special relationship and lift it to a new height,” said Gen. Chinh.

Translated by Song Anh