The delegation of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense was led by its Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien while the Lao delegation was headed by its Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vongkham Phommakone.

Senior Lieutenant Generals Hoang Xuan Chien and Vongkham Phommakone

During the event, the two sides checked the preparation in the areas where activities within the framework of the second Vietnam - Laos Border Defense Friendship Exchange will be held, such as Long Sap Border Gate, the school where the two defense ministers of the two countries will visit, and the place where the talks between the delegations of the two countries will take place, to name but a few.

The two delegations inspect the preparation work at Long Sap Border Gate.

The two deputy defense ministers after the inspection hailed the functional remarkable efforts in implementing the preparation work for the upcoming exchange, and thanked the authorities of Son La and Houaphanh provinces for their close coordination.

The two delegations inspect the preparation work in Sop Bao district.

Senior Lieutenant Generals Hoang Xuan Chien and Vongkham Phommakone affirmed that the second Vietnam - Laos border defense friendship exchange is an occasion to enhance the close-knit relations between the two countries, especially between border people, while raising the responsibility of the border protection forces so as to firmly protect the borderline and fight against all kinds of crime, contributing to helping local people reduce poverty and building the Vietnam - Laos borderline of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation and development.

Both sides hold meeting to discuss the preparation work for the upcoming second Vietnam - Laos border defense friendship exchange.

The defense leaders also requested relevant units to promote responsibility and work together to make thorough preparations for the event as scheduled with high quality.

The second Vietnam - Laos Border Defense Friendship Exchange will take place in this October in Moc Chau and Sop Bao districts.

Translated by Minh Anh