On this occasion, the People Army’s Newspaper publishes a series of articles about the traditional relationship among the Vietnam People’s Army, the Laos People’s Army, and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces in particular and the three countries in general.

In the time-honored relationship between Vietnam and Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, the defense ties have intensively, effectively, and substantially developed, deserving to be one of the important pillars in the bilateral relationship.

Highlight in bilateral relationship

In the resistance war for national independence and freedom as well as in the renewal, current national construction and defense cause, Vietnam and Laos are always proud of their faithful comradeship and friendship. The two countries have stood side by side in difficult times and together shared happiness and difficulties. Former leaders and heroic martyrs of the two countries devoted their whole lives to independence and freedom in each country and happiness of the two peoples, thus building up the Vietnam-Laos friendship and special solidarity which is “deeper than the Hong Ha (Red) and Cuu Long (Mekong) rivers,” “stronger than mountains and rivers,” and “brighter than the full moon and more fragrant than the most fragrant flower in the world.” “The great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, militaries, and peoples have become a valuable common asset of the two nations and a unique relationship in the world. In the resistance wars for national liberation in the past and in current national construction and development cause, we have received support and cooperation from the Vietnamese Party, military, and people,” said Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Khamphao Ernthavanh in a recent interview granted to reporters of the People Army’s Newspaper.  

General Phan Van Giang receives General Chansamone Chanyalath, Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister of Laos on December 7.

Over the past 40 years of renewal process, Vietnam and Laos have effectively brought into play the beautiful traditions and continuously nurtured the relationship in all fields in an intensive manner, creating a great momentum for the development of the two countries in the future. The obtained achievements have contributed to building and preserving a peaceful and favorable environment for the renewal, socio-economic development, national construction and defense, and consolidation of impetus and strengths of each country in the region and the world. 

Ambassador Khamphao Ernthavanh emphasized that defense cooperation is an important pillar in the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos. She evaluated that over the past time the two sides have cooperated to comprehensively and substantively actualize the cooperation protocol and the annual cooperation plan, especially in the fields of delegation exchange, training, healthcare, search, collection, and repatriation of remains of fallen Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and military advisors, twinning models in border areas, and border management and protection, among others.

“In recent years, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the two sides have pro-actively and actively coordinated to effectively carry out bilateral defense cooperation contents. In particular, the Vietnamese side has always stood side by side and helps Laos in the pandemic prevention and control. In 2021, the two sides coordinated to organize the first Border Defense Friendship Exchange at the defense minister level in Savannakhet and Quang Tri provinces with a great success, contributing to affirming that defense cooperation is a pillar and a bright spot in the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries," she emphasized. 

Raising role and position

Similarly, Vietnam has the time-honored relationship with Cambodia. The two nations stood united, shared, and supported each other in the most difficult time to overcome the ups and downs in the history. Colonel Rem Kann, Cambodian Defense Attaché to Vietnam, said that the relationship has been nurtured by the leaders and people of the two countries and is an invaluable common asset of the two nations. During more than half a century since the official establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, despite many difficulties, challenges, and ups and downs, the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship has been constantly strengthened and developed, making practical contributions to the construction and prosperous development of the two countries and to peace, stability, and cooperation in the region and the world.

Colonel Rem Kann affirmed that the Vietnam-Cambodia defense cooperation  has intensively, effectively, and substantively developed, becoming one of the important pillars in good neighborliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive and long-term sustainable cooperation between the two countries. Over the past time, the Vietnam People's Army and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces have pro-actively coordinated and fully implemented the agreed cooperation contents, notably in the fields of exchange of delegations, deputy ministerial level defense policy dialogue, and effective implementation of such cooperation mechanisms and models as joint patrols, annual conferences, military-civilian twinning, young officer exchanges, human resource training...

Vietnamese Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang welcomes his Cambodian counterpart General Tea Seiha to officially visit Vietnam on November 13.

In addition, the border guard forces and military regions stationed along the borderline have well coordinated to ensure security, order, and social safety in the border areas. They have promoted the education and dissemination to enhance troops and people’s understanding about the history, meaning, and importance of solidarity and mutual support between the two countries and the two militaries.

“The Vietnam People's Army and the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces have coordinated and supported each other at multilateral forums and mechanisms, especially ASEAN-led ones. It is obvious that the cooperation between the two militaries has contributed to further tightening the Vietnam - Cambodia relationship. With the political determination and efforts of both sides, I believe that Vietnam - Cambodia defense cooperation will see stronger development in the coming time, enhancing its role and position in the overall bilateral relationship," Colonel Rem Kann stated.

(to be continued)

Translated by Tran Hoai