At the reception

At the meeting, General Chien highly appreciated the support for Vietnam of the UNDP in Vietnam in general and of Ms. Caitlin Wiesen in particular over the past years. Especially, during her tenure, UNDP’s precious support for Vietnamese people and military importantly contributed to the realization of the U.N.’s sustainable development goals and millennium development goals amid global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acknowledging UNDP’s substantive assistance to the Vietnamese MND, the Vietnamese deputy defense chief underlined the effective cooperation programs between the two sides, especially in participation in U.N. peacekeeping operations and settlement of war legacy with UNDP as a coordinator, contributing to locals’ stable and improved living standards and opening up cooperation expansion opportunities for involved parties.

Expressing thanks to the outgoing UNDP resident representative in Vietnam for her proactive and effective support for Vietnam during the engagement in U.N. peacekeeping operations, General Chien confirmed that Vietnam commits itself to continuing to make active, effective, and intensive contribution to the work and increase the rate of female peacekeepers.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien presents a souvenir to Ms. Caitlin Wiesen.

For her part, Ms. Caitlin Wiesen expressed her deep impressions on the development of war-torn Vietnam and the country’s active contribution to the world peace.

She stressed that the focus of UNDP's cooperation with Vietnam is in settlement of war legacy, U.N. peacekeeping operations, improvement of women’s role in U.N. peacekeeping operations. She spoke highly of Vietnam’s extensive role in getting engaged in U.N. peacekeeping operations, Vietnamese peacekeepers’ professionalism, and higher rate of women undertaking U.N. peacekeeping duties than U.N.’s requirement.

She confirmed that UNDP will support and accompany Vietnam in organizing the international conference on women with U.N. peacekeeping operations, expected to be held at the fourth quarter of this year in Vietnam.

The host and guest in a joint photo

She also emphasized that the partnership among the Vietnamese MND, KOICA, and UNDP has brought about remarkable outcomes and hoped that with the creative integration approaches in the next period, the partnership will help support the bomb and mine clearance work and at the same time create sustainable livelihood for people in the targeted areas.

General Chien hoped that in her new posts, Ms. Caitlin Wiesen will continue supporting Vietnam and creating favorable conditions to boost cooperation in fields of development assistance, settlement of war legacy, engagement in U.N. peacekeeping operations, particularly successful organization of the aforementioned international conference on women.

Translated by Mai Huong