Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien (Photo: VNA)

The outcomes were reviewed at the Ministry of National Defense’s conference to look back at the implementation of international integration and external defense relations in the first six months of 2021. The event was chaired by Deputy Defense Ministrer Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien.

Reports delivered at the event revealed that in the first half of this year, bilateral external defense relations focused on high-level delegation exchanges, COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, military medicine, training, cooperation in overcoming war’s legacies, search and rescue, and protecting national sovereignty. The Vietnamese Defense Ministry’s outcomes in external defense relations have been acknowledged and praised by other countries.

Speaking at the conference, General Chien praised agencies and units for their contributions to the outcomes of international integration and external defense relations over the past time.

General Chien emphasized that in the last half of this year, international integration and external defense relations should be implemented in a more active, flexible and effective manner. Particularly, relevant agencies and units should maintain annual strategic defense consultation and dialogue mechanisms with other countries and propose new cooperation fields and forms in line with the Vietnamese Defense Ministry’s capacity and potential.

Apart from ensuring security and safety for diplomatic activities, agencies and units should strengthen external defense relations to access COVID-19 vaccine sources, thus contributing to the Government and people’s efforts in containing the pandemic, Chien said. 

Translated by Tran Hoai