At the Border Post of Le Thanh International Border Gate, on behalf of the delegation, Senior Colonel Hai sent wishes to the Cambodian troops on the occasion of their traditional festival.

Gia Lai border guards presenting gifts to Cambodian unit on Chol Chnam Thmay festival

He also noted that over the past time, the two sides have always kept in touch, shared information, and closely worked together in implementing border management and protection tasks, fighting crimes, preventing illegal border crossings, and conducting COVID-19 prevention and control work.

In addition, functional units of both sides have jointly dealt with arising issues in accordance with the Agreement on Border Regulations between the two countries.

On behalf of the Cambodian side, Commander of military sub-region of Ratanakiri province under the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Kham Suk thanked the Gia Lai provincial Border Guard Command for the support, affirming that the authorities and the border protection force of Ratanakiri province will closely work with Gia Lai province in general, and its border guards in particular, in building up a border of peace, solidarity, cooperation and development.

On this occasion, the Gia Lai provincial Border Guard Command handed over gifts and necessities, totally worth VND 200 million, to the Cambodian unit.

Source: Baobienphong

Translated by Minh Anh