General Tea Seiha extended his regards to General Phan Van Giang, Vietnamese Minister of National Defense, and expressed confidence that the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship, particularly defense cooperation, a key pillar of their bilateral ties, would continue to be strengthened in the future.

General Tea Seiha (right) and Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien at the event

Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien conveyed General Phan Van Giang's best wishes to General Tea Seiha, reaffirming that Vietnam and Cambodia are neighboring countries with a good traditional friendship. Vietnam places great importance on continuously enhancing and developing its good-neighborly relationship, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and long-term sustainability with Cambodia. Vietnam also supports an independent, peaceful, and developing Cambodia that plays a greater role in the region and on the international stage.

Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien informed General Tea Seiha that the seventh Vietnam-Cambodia Defense Policy Dialogue had concluded successfully, with both sides agreeing to further strengthen cooperation in several key areas. These include delegation exchanges at all levels, border protection collaboration, naval and coast guard cooperation, human resource training, maintaining effective consultation and dialogue mechanisms, and dissemination of information about the historical significance and importance of the friendship between the peoples and militaries of both countries. They also agreed to continue supporting each other in multilateral forums, especially ASEAN-led mechanisms, and to enhance coordination in accelerating the search, collection, and repatriation of remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and advisers who sacrificed their lives in Cambodia during wartime.

Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien expressed Vietnam's desire for the Cambodian Government and General Tea Seiha to continue creating favorable conditions for the Vietnamese community and businesses living and working in Cambodia, thereby contributing to Cambodia's socio-economic development. He also requested continued cooperation in speeding up the search, collection, and repatriation of remains of Vietnamese martyrs.

Additionally, he invited General Tea Seiha and the Cambodian Ministry of National Defense to support and participate in events organized by Vietnam, particularly the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam People's Army and the second Vietnam International Defense Expo later this year. Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien extended a formal invitation to General Tea Seiha, leaders of the Cambodian Ministry of National Defense, and Cambodian enterprises to attend the expo.

For his part, General Tea Seiha expressed his gratitude to the Vietnamese Party, State, and Ministry of National Defense for their continued support and assistance to Cambodia, both during wartime and in the national construction and development cause.

In recent years, the Vietnam People's Army has implemented numerous cooperative programs to help Cambodia train military officers. General Tea Seiha affirmed that he would continue to support activities organized by Vietnam and expressed his hope that the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense would continue to assist Cambodia more effectively in all areas. He also expressed his hope that the Vietnam-Cambodia relationship in general, and defense cooperation in particular, would continue to be strengthened in the future.

Earlier, Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien laid a wreath and offered incense at the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Monument. He also visited and worked with Viettel Cambodia (Metfone), a company invested in by the Military Industry-Telecoms Group (Viettel).

Translated by Chung Anh