The school's students welcome Gen. Phan Van Giang.

The visit was in the framework of Gen. Phan Van Giang’s official visit to Mongolia from October 25-27.

Founded in 1949, the Inter-level School No.14 is one of the talent-training cradles of Mongolia. On May 14, 1980, on the occasion of the 90th birthday anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, the Central Committee of the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party decided to name the school after the Vietnamese state leader. That decision was a highlight in the history of the school. The school has become a symbol of the friendship, solidarity, and close-knit ties between Vietnam and Mongolia.

Gen. Giang visits the Ho Chi Minh Hall of Fame.
Gen. Giang writes in the school’s visitor’s book.

In 1955, President Ho Chi Minh visited Mongolia. He and other Mongolian leaders laid a strong foundation for the close friendly ties between Vietnam and Mongolia.

In 2009, President Ho Chi Minh Monument was built on the school’s campus. The 1.7m high copper statue of President Ho Chi Minh is placed on a 3.33m pedestal. In 2017, the school’s Ho Chi Minh Hall of Fame was inaugurated.

Vietnamese Defense Minister Gen. Phan Van Giang presents a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh to the school.
Gen. Giang and the Vietnamese delegation lay a wreath at President Ho Chi Minh Monument on the school’s campus.

The school annually holds a graduation ceremony on May 19 - President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday. It regularly organizes writing, drawing, and knowledge contests on Vietnamese state leader Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, its land and people.

Expressing thanks to the school for their sentiments for the Vietnamese delegation, Gen. Giang wished the teachers and students good teaching, good study, and contribution to building a prosperous Mongolia. He hoped that they will become a bridge to develop the friendship and close relations between the two countries.

Gen. Phan Van Giang (left) and Vietnamese Ambassador to Mongolia Doan Khanh Tam

The same day, Gen. Giang and the Vietnamese delegation visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Mongolia, during which the defense chief expressed his wish that the embassy’s staff will continue to promote solidarity, creativity, collective intelligence, and fulfil all duties assigned by the Party and State, helping cultivate the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Mongolia.

By Thu Trang from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Translated by Mai Huong