The Vietnamese defense leader expressed his confidence that in his capacity as Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam, Ito Naoki would make important contribution to further strengthening the Vietnam-Japan relationship in various fields, including defense cooperation.

Gen. Phan Van Giang receives Ambassador Ito Naoki.

Gen. Giang affirmed that Japan is a priority in Vietnam's foreign policy, and the two countries have become each other's leading partners in many areas. He emphasized that the bilateral defense ties have been effectively promoted in such fields as high-level delegation exchanges, cooperation among arms and services, human resource training, and war legacy settlement, and achieved significant progress, serving as a pillar in the relationship between the two countries.

The Vietnamese defense minister believed that there remains ample room for defense cooperation between the two sides, especially in areas where Japan has strengths and Vietnam has demand. He suggested Ambassador Ito Naoki continue to pay attention and make recommendations to the Japanese Government and Ministry of Defense to further enhance the effectiveness of existing cooperation mechanisms and promote the development of bilateral defense cooperation to contribute to strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Japan for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world.

The Vietnamese Defense Minister hands over a souvenir to the Japanese Ambassador.
Delegates in a joint photo

For his part, the Japanese diplomat highlighted the positive development of Japan-Vietnam relations and the significance of the upgrading of the bilateral relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world in 2023. He affirmed that the countries are accelerating the implementation of cooperation contents within the comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world.

Ambassador Ito Naoki thanked leaders of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense and relevant agencies for caring and facilitating task performance of the Japanese Defense Attaché to Vietnam.

Translated by Tran Hoai