In 2023, the Binh Phuoc provincial Border Guard Command and the Military Sub-Regions of the two Cambodian provinces of Tboung Khmum and Kratie well cooperated to strictly implement the agreement on border regulations, and promptly exchange information related to border protection management as well as activities of all kinds of crime in border area.

An overview of the talks

Accordingly, both sides organized 19 meetings and exchanges with 194 participating officers, including eight exchanges with the Tboung Khum provincial Military Sub-region with 100 participating officers, and 11 exchanges with Kratie provincial Military Sub-region with 94 participating officers.

At the talks, both sides discussed and signed the Memorandum of Understanding on future cooperation. Accordingly, they will continue actively and promptly to exchange information with each other in border management and protection, regularly organize bilateral patrols, and protect borderline and national border markers, among others. At the same time, they will closely coordinate to quickly and effectively address any arising issues along the shared borderline in the spirit of solidarity, friendship, cooperation, and on the basis of respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. 

Both sides sign agreements on border regulations.

Besides, they will also work closely to disseminate information to local people about signed agreements on border regulations, and further create favorable conditions for the two peoples to cross the borderline and exchange goods.

Translated by Minh Anh