Border guard units provided health examination and free medicines for local residents, presented scholarships to students, gave breeding cows to households facing difficulties, and inaugurated a border post for Border Company 541 of Laos' Attapeu Provincial Military Command 

In realizing the plan on organizing the exchange program, various functional agencies and units are actively coordinating with the authorities of Ngoc Hoi district, Kon Tum province, to promptly complete the preparatory work for this exchange program.

Below are images of activities and the preparation efforts of the forces for this significant event:

Major General Hoang Huu Chien, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of the Vietnam Border Guard Command (far left), presents gifts from the Vietnam Border Guard Command to teachers and students of Phoukue Village Primary School in Phouvong district, Attapeu province, Laos.
Senior Colonel Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Deputy Political Chief of the Vietnam Border Guard Command (eighth from the left), and leaders of the Gia Lai provincial Border Guard Command and the Duc Co district authority donate breeding cows to residents in border areas of Vietnam and Cambodia.
The border guard forces of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia practice a joint patrol in the area of the border marker at the junction of the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia borderline.
Joyful moments of Laotian students as they receive scholarships from the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense
The military medical forces of Vietnam and Cambodia providing free medical examinations and medicines to border residents of Ia Dom commune, Duc Co district, Vietnam’s Gia Lai province
The participating forces actively engage in the joint military medical exercise content among the militaries of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
Officers and soldiers of the Border Post of Bo Y International Border Gate, the Kon Tum provincial Border Guard Command, decorate the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia Border Friendship Cultural House in Ta Ka hamlet, Po Y commune, Ngoc Hoi district. 
Officers and soldiers of the Kon Tum provincial Border Guard Command clean the route leading to the Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia junction border area.

Translated by Song Anh