The ethnic minority people believe that each forest is ruled by a god. To worship the god of the forest is to pray for his support for the health of villagers and bumper harvests.

The ritual is held right in the forest with the participation of all villagers from the elderly to the children with numerous offerings such as alcohol, cooked rice, and grilled chicken.

The ritual is an opportunity for the Jrai ethnic minority people to pay tribute to the forest god and pray for a prosperous and happy life.

Here are several photos of the ritual.

Village Head Siu Doih in O Grang village, Ia Pech commune, Ia Grai district, Gia Lai province prepare offerings for the worshiping ritual.
The village head prays for prosperous and happy life.
Villagers perform traditional dance as part of the ritual.
The local forest rangers join the event.
Vice Chairman of the Gia Lai Provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Huu Que (first from right) attends the event.

Translated by Song Anh