Immersed in the joyful atmosphere to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day (September 2) throughout the country, ethnic minorities in the border areas of Son La province have conducted various activities to mark the special event.

People in Phieng Cai village, Long Sap commune at a market fair held at the Long Sap border gate

In recent days, from early morning, local people eagerly flocked to the market, and took part in many festivals on the occasion of the National Day.

Border stations of the Son La provincial Border Guard Command have coordinated with local authorities to conduct a lot of exciting activities to deepen solidarity between the military and local people, including cultural exchanges, sports competitions, folk games, and giving free health check-ups and medicines to border people, among others.

A performance made by troops of Muong Cai Border Station in an artistic program held in Muong Cai commune, Song Ma district
Troops of Muong Cai border station and local people playing folk games
Troops of Muong Leo Border Station under the Son La provincial Border Guard Command cooperating with local authorities to hold a volleyball competition

Trang A Long from Phieng Cai village, Long Sap commune, Moc Chau district shared that every year, on the National Day, local people are excited to put on the most beautiful dresses and go to the market to join various festivals, including Khen dancing, Pao throwing, cake pounding, etc. It is a cultural beauty preserved by generations of ethnic minority groups.

Translated by Quynh Oanh