A performance at the program 
The event was attended by President Tran Dai Quang, a number of incumbent and former senior officials, and Russian Ambassador to Vietnam Konstantin Vnukov, as well as many Vietnamese alumni in Russia.

A century ago, under the leadership of Vladimir I. Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, which was then developed to the Russian Communist Party, the working class in the Soviet Union, which is now the Russian Federation, made an uprising to overthrow the bourgeois and anti-revolution government, forming a socialist state - the first proletarian dictatorship state in the humankind’s history.

The revolution significantly changed the global structure, opening a new era and lighting up the way of liberation of other nations in the world, including Vietnam.

The Russia October Revolution also brought the Vietnam and Russia nations and people closer and formed their long-lasting friendship. Inspired by the revolution, the Vietnamese people gained great successes.

Addressing the opening ceremony, journalist Thuan Huu, member of the Party Central Committee and Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan (People’s) newspaper, highlighted the everlasting Russian October Revolution spirit, and the strong determination of the Party and people of Vietnam to head to socialism and build a country of prosperity and happiness.

This is also a chance to celebrate the Vietnam-Russia friendship and look back on the revolution’s impacts to Vietnam, he said.

The program, jointly held by the Nhan Dan Newspaper and the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, screened special reportages made by Nhan Dan and Vietnam Defense Television channels in Russia.

Participants had a chance to exchange with Russian historical witnesses who told stories about the revolution and their memories about the Vietnam-Russia friendship, while enjoying special songs performed by both Vietnamese and Russian singers.

Source: VNA