The event, held by the city’s Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, aims to celebrate the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day (September 2).

Delegates cutting the ribbon to open the exhibition “Vietnam’s sea and islands are beautiful and peaceful”

About 70 photos on display feature history and sovereignty of the country over sea and islands in the East Sea (aka South China Sea); their position and role in terms of politics, socio-economy, defense and security; and meaningful activities held by the nation in general and Can Tho city in particular towards the national sea and islands.

Via the exhibition, the organizing panel hopes to raise awareness, national pride, and responsibility of the community in managing, conserving, and promoting the values of sea and islands; honor contribution of forefathers and troops on duty at sea and on islands; and highlight support of local people and international friends in this work.

Delegates visiting the exhibition “Sounds of those days”
Young people reading about the national sovereignty over sea and islands

At the same time, the museum has also opened another exhibition “Sounds those days” to present over 180 photos, documents and items on sounds in daily life and in national resistance wars.

The two exhibitions will last until September 29 and December 1, respectively.

Translated by Minh Anh