Accordingly, nearly 100 photos by five authors who are the association’s members, namely Doan Thi Tho, Ngo Thi Thu Ba, Tran Anh Tuan, Kieu Anh Dung, and Le Canh Tho were on display.

The photos were taken during their trip together with delegation No.17 to Truong Sa island district and the DK1 platforms in 2023, organized by the Vietnam Students’ Association in collaboration with the Naval Service.

At the opening ceremony of the exhibition

Delegates tour the exhibition.

During the trip, the authors took photos of students' feelings when witnessing the life and combat readiness of troops who are defending the national sea and islands. The photos also reflected daily life of troops and islanders, as well as the care of the Vietnamese youths towards the national sea and islands.

The exhibition aimed to express the message of “youths with national sea and islands,” contributing to promoting the combined strength of the nation, especially that of the youths in the cause of national construction and protection.

Translated by Minh Anh