The ceremony has been part of practical activities to mark 69 years since President Ho Chi Minh made an appeal for national resistance on December 19, 1946, the 92nd Vietnam Revolutionary Press Day, the 70th Day for Wounded Soldiers and Martyrs as well as to continue implementing the Politburo’s Directive 05 on promoting the movement "Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morals, and style". It was to honor and popularize exemplary people with their good deeds for a better future as well as to enhance the emulation movement among the community.

Head of the PCC’s Commission for Information and Education Vo Van Thuong and Maj. Gen. Pham Van Huan in a joint photo with award winners


Addressing the event, Politburo member, member of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee (PCC) and Head of the PCC’s Commission for Information and Education Vo Van Thuong congratulated the honored on their achievements and highlighted the PAN’s initiative to launch a writing contest that has contributed to encouraging the active implementation of the movement on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morals, and style in the whole Party, people, and army.

Major General Pham Van Huan, the PAN’s Editor-in-Chief and head of the organizing board, said that the writing contest is a practical activity to realize Uncle Ho’s instruction on political and ideological education, making contributions to multiplying exemplary people and good deeds in society. The examples truthfully reflected on media platforms helped promote the Vietnamese people’s pride for tradition, their creativity, as well as willpower. 

Before the awarding ceremony, the participants were entertained with popular songs and dances performed by artists from the Military University of Culture and Arts. Stories told by those who have been silently helping the needy as well as the ill-fated ones also touched the hearts of the audience.

The story of Mrs. Muoi, a Party member, in Ward 4, Phu Thuan district, Ho Chi Minh City was one of them. As a person living in wartime, the former Con Dao prisoner deeply understands the hardship and sacrifices of the Vietnamese people and always sympathizes with the hardship of needy wounded soldiers, martyrs’ families, and people. Muoi used her savings and sold her house for charity activities. In the historic flood in 1999 in the Central region, the woman donated 14 tons of rice to those in storm-hit areas. Talking about her future plan, Muoi said that she wished to be healthy to continue activities in gratitude of national contributors to please her fallen comrades’ wishes.   

In a military uniform, Senior Colonel Tran Quoc Viet, Chairman of Ben Tre province’s Association of War Veterans, impressed the participants with his story. Over the past five years, the association’s members have mobilized forces and resources to build around 1,300 houses for those with housing difficulties.

70-year old Mai Thi Tuyet in Thu Duc district, Ho Chi Minh City, has for ten years written and sent more than 14,000 letters to provide information about burial places of fallen soldiers. Thanks to her simple deed, remains of martyrs were repatriated home. Meanwhile, Senior Colonel Doan The Tung, Deputy Commander of the Quang Nam provincial Military Command, mobilized individuals and groups to build around 600 houses for policy beneficiaries and facilitated the collection and repatriation of hundreds of sets of remains of martyrs.

These are among tens of thousands of groups and individuals who are silently, enthusiastically, creatively, and wholeheartedly contributing to the national construction and defense cause.

Translated by Tran Hoai