Senior Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet, Deputy Director of the GDP, and Senior Lieutenant General Be Xuan Truong, Chairman of the Central Committee of the VVA, co-chaired the conference. Also in attendance was Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the VPA.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet, Deputy Director of the GDP, speaking at the conference

During the conference, relevant agencies contributed ideas to unify the program contents, including visits to offer incense and flowers in commemoration of the heroic martyrs and President Ho Chi Minh, and meetings for veterans and former voluntary youths who participated in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign. In the time to come, the agencies and units of the General Staff and the GDP will direct and coordinate with relevant agencies of the VVA to complete all preparations for the gathering.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Be Xuan Truong, Chairman of the Central Committee of the VVA, addressing the conference
An overview of the conference

In his speech at the conference, Gen. Quyet highly appreciated the close coordination between the agencies, units, and the Central Committee of the VVA. The GDP's deputy chief requested the agencies and units to continue to effectively coordinate with the Central Committee of the VVA and the VVA chapters of provinces and cities to develop thoughtful reception plans, deploy military medical force to ensure the health of delegates, ensure proper food and rest arrangements, and provide proposals for the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to meet legitimate demand of the delegates.

Translated by Trung Thanh