The event was attended by Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang, Permanent Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Thanh Man, and Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong.

Congratulating Comrade Dang Quan Thuy on being honored with the title, General Phan Van Giang affirmed that the title "Hero of the People’s Armed Forces" is a noble award of the Party and State to acknowledge his great contribution to the national liberation and reunification cause.

Defense Minister Gen. Phan Van Giang hands over the title to Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy.

Comrade Dang Quan Thuy participated in the Viet Minh (League for the Independence of Vietnam) organization in October, 1944 when he was a student at Buoi School (present Chu Van An School) and then joined the military and fought in Buon Ma Thuot in the resistance war against the French colonialists. In a battle, he was injured and taken back to the North for treatment. After recovering, Comrade Dang Quan Thuy was deployed to the Northwestern theater for seven years. During the time, he accompanied General Vo Nguyen Giap on several field inspections, worked with other comrades to build various combat plans and strategies, and was present at many fierce locations.

With rich combat experience, acumen, enthusiasm, and sense of responsibility, Comrade Dang Quan Thuy made accurate and timely evaluation of situations and gave recommendation to the General Command and Commander-in-Chief Vo Nguyen Giap to issue crucial decisions. Comrade Dang Quan Thuy's feats-of-arm partly contributed to the success of different campaigns, notably the Dien Bien Phu Campaign that forced France to sign the Geneva Accords on ending the war and restoring peace in Indochina, and building up the glorious tradition of the Vietnam People’s Army and the General Staff.

For more than 60 years working in the military, Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy held different important positions and made great contribution to national salvation and current construction and defense cause. General Giang hoped that the former officer would make more contribution to the Party’s revolutionary cause and the development of the Vietnam People’s Army in the future.

Showing the honor to receive the noble title, Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy pledged to continue to make more contribution to the Party’s revolutionary cause, national construction, and development of the military. 

Translated by Tran Hoai