The President expressed his admiration of the general’s accomplishments and hailed him as an exemplary model for younger generations.

Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy (center, left) receives congratulation from President Tran Dai Quang.

The President stressed that the experiences and opinions of elder generations are very useful to the cause of national construction and defense, and pledged to do his best to fulfill the mission assigned to him by the Party, State and people, thus meeting the aspirations of older generations.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said the example of Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy is valuable in educating young generations about the heroic traditions of previous generations. 

Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy directly participated in many military campaigns in some of the fiercest battle fields during the resistance wars for national liberation and re-unification, including the Dien Bien Phu Campaign and the Mau Than General Offensive and Uprising in Spring 1968, as well as in the fight to defend the country’s Southwest and Northern border lines.

He was Vice Chairman of the National Assembly from 1992 to 1997.

Source: VNA