In particular, they have helped local people in production activities, actively engaged in activities to build new-style rural areas, and took care of and support policy beneficiaries and needy families while providing local people with information related to digital transformation, and participating in activities to protect the environment and fight against climate change, to name but a few.

Youths of Quang Chieu Border Station under the Thanh Hoa provincial Border Guard Command help people harvest rice.
The Youth Union Organization of Tam Quang Border Station under the Nghe An provincial Border Guard Command and the Youth Union Organization of Tuong Duong district co-hold the “Exam relay 2023” program.
The Youth Union organizations of Khanh Hoa Border Guard Command, Cam Ranh city and Cam Lam district jointly organize a program to provide free health examination and medicines for local people in the communes of Cam Thinh Tay and Cam Hai Dong.
The Youth Union organizations of Binh Thanh Border Station under the Dong Thap provincial Border Guard Command and Hong Ngu city present gifts to policy beneficiaries and national contributors in the locality.
Youths of Da Nang border guard units and local youths clean up the environment surrounding My Khe Beach.

In response to the Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign in 2023, Son La Border Guard’s youths and local youths collect waste to protect the environment.

Translated by Quynh Oanh