Through meaningful and practical activities, the officers, soldiers, and young volunteer intellectuals from Agriculture and Forestry Plantation 461 have supported local residents living along the borderline, contributing to building a firm whole-people defense posture.

Here are several photos featuring activities of Agriculture and Forestry Plantation 461.

Personnel from Agriculture and Forestry Plantation 461 encourage young volunteer intellectuals before undertaking their tasks.
Organizing summer activities for children in the resettlement area of Na Lua, Binh Xa commune, Dinh Lap district
Teaching students in Chat village, Binh Xa commune, Dinh Lap district
Personnel and young volunteer intellectuals from Agriculture and Forestry Plantation 461 overcoming challenging roads to reach remote border villages
Personnel from Agriculture and Forestry Plantation 461 and young volunteer intellectuals presenting breeding cattle to farmers in Binh Xa commune, Dinh Lap district

Translated by Song Anh