The regiment’s troops have assisted localities in cleaning up public works, helped locals move their houses out of landslide-prone areas, and supported local schools repair facilities in preparation for the upcoming school year.

They have run against time and tried their utmost in a bid to help people in Mu Cang Chai soon stabilize their life after the natural disaster.    

Below are photos of troops of Regiment 174 helping people in Mu Cang Chai overcome the consequences of the recent flooding.

Troops of Division 316 assisting people in Hang Bla Ha hamlet, Ho Bon commune, Mu Cang Chai district in rebuilding their houses swept away by the flooding
Troops helping locals in flood-stricken localities with all their heart
Running against time to help locals soon stabilize their life
Troops of Division 316 helping locals overcome the consequences of recent flooding
Regiment 174’s troops dredging mud at Primary and Secondary Semi-boarding School of Ho Bon commune

Translated by Chung Anh