In his speech, Naval Lieutenant Hoang Kim Thoi, Political Commissar of Radar Station 595, Regiment 551 of the Naval Region 5 Command, said that the station, founded on October 25, 1989, is situated at the altitude of 318 meters above sea level. It is near an international maritime route, the Eastern gateway to the Gulf of Thailand.

The delegation salutes the national flag.

According to Lieutenant Thoi, over the past time, the officers and soldiers of the station have felt secure to work, been aware of their tasks and demonstrated high resolve to complete their duties. The troops strictly observe military discipline, State law and other regulations of the unit.

Presenting Tet gifts to troops of Hon Khoai Island

Additionally, the whole unit always embrace and seriously observe combat readiness regulations and duties, and maintain on-duty personnel and vehicles. Moreover, it always keep a close watch on developments in the assigned waters and sky.

Translated by Mai Huong