Tet gifts presented to needy students
Presenting Tet gifts to the elderly, village heads, and prestigious people in Keng Du commune

Keng Du border commune has over 970 households with 4,673 people belonging to the two ethnic minority groups of Kho Mu and Thai, residing in 10 villages. The area has a challenging hilly terrain, harsh climate conditions, and underdeveloped transportation system, with a high rate of poverty (over 70 percent of the population).

The organizers of the program presented gifts to the elderly in the villages, village heads, prestigious people, and needy students. Additionally, they gave self-made “banh chung” (square sticky rice cakes) to impoverished households and policy beneficiary families in the area, with a total value of VND 20 million. On the occasion, with the authorization of the provincial Border Guard Command, the unit donated 100 Tet gift packages, each valued at VND 500,000, to 100 needy households in Keng Du commune.

Keng Du Border Guard Station delivering Tet gifts to 100 needy households in Keng Du commune, Ky Son district
Organizing the Chung cake making for distribution to disadvantaged households and policy beneficiaries

The program aimed to contribute to bringing a cozy, joyful, and safe Tet to the ethnic minority communities in the border area. Through this activity, it sought to strengthen the national unity bloc, fostering the bond between local authorities, armed forces, and people in border areas.

Translated by Trung Thanh