Having heard the province’s report on task accomplishment in 2023 and orientations and key missions in 2024, Gen. Cuong highlighted the unity, determination, pro-activeness, and creativeness of Ha Giang’s Party Organization, authorities, people, and armed forces. The local armed forces and military units in the province have actively collaborated and given recommendations to the provincial Party Committee and People’s Committee to comprehensively complete military, defense, and security missions. 

Gen. Cuong extends New Year greetings to the provincial Party Organization, authorities, and armed forces units.

This year, GDP’s chief asked the province to effectively carry out the resolution of the 13th National Party Committee; thoroughly grasp the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies and laws on socio-economic development in combination with defense and security consolidation in the new period; accelerate the construction of infrastructure and synchronously and effectively implement the national target programs. In the short-term, the province should pay attention to making thorough preparations to help local people have a happy, safe, and cozy New Year and taking care of policy beneficiaries, outstanding national contributors, and needy workers.

Gen. Cuong asked the provincial armed forces to thoroughly grasp and strictly carry out resolutions on military and defense missions and Party building in 2024 and guidelines and policies on socio-economic development in combination with defense and security consolidation in the new period; give assistance to locals, especially in natural disaster response and search and rescue efforts; prepare for and organize New Year activities for troops, especially those in remote and mountainous areas.

Outstanding policy families and national contributors receive gifts.
Local armed forces units receive gifts from the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense.

As the lunar New Year is drawing near, the GDP’s Chief handed over gifts to troops, policy families, outstanding national contributors, poor households, and needy workers.

During the working trip, Gen. Cuong and the visiting delegation visited and laid wreath in commemoration of heroic martyrs at Vi Xuyen National War Cemetery in Vi Xuyen district.

Gen. Cuong and officers of Division 361 of Military Region 2

The same day, the delegation also checked the observance of combat readiness and sent New Year greetings to troops of the Border Post of Thanh Thuy International Border Gate of the Ha Giang provincial Border Guard Command and Division 361 of Military Region 2.

Translated by Tran Hoai