In the Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang, a delegation led by Tran Thanh Man, Politburo member and Standing Vice Chairman of the National Assembly (N.A.), visited disadvantaged workers, war invalids, poor households, and those with difficulties.

Standing N.A. Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Man (second from right) presents Tet gifts to representatives of Hau Giang province on January 23.

Presenting Tet gifts to 150 social policy beneficiary, low-income, and less privileged families in Chau Thanh A district, he offered the best New Year wishes to the local Party organization, administration, and people. He highly valued the province’s achievements in economic development and social security ensuring last year, especially the completion of 1,400 houses for the poor.

Man also symbolically presented Tet gifts to 500 disadvantaged households in Hau Giang.

The delegation also paid pre-Tet visits to needy workers of a company based in the Tan Phu Thanh Industrial Park and a war invalid in Thanh Xuan commune of Chau Thanh A district.

The same day, N.A. Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong attended a Tet celebration program held by the Labor Federation of central Quang Ngai province for local workers.

N.A. Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong (third from left, front) and Secretary of the Quang Ngai Party Committee Bui Thi Quynh Van (sixth from left) present Tet gifts to local workers on January 23.

The provincial Labor Federation handed over 2,500 gift packages and 30 houses worth 1.5 billion VND (61,000 USD) in total to workers with difficulties. It also announced sponsorship for two orphans who are children of local workers until they reach the age of 18.

Phuong praised the dynamism and creativity of the Party Committee, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Committee, along with all-level trade unions of Quang Ngai in caring for local workers’ material and spiritual life over the past years.

He expressed sympathies for the ones with disadvantages and called on them to keep exerting efforts to get rid of poverty and improve their life quality. He also asked local authorities to assist trade unions to care for workers’ life so as to contribute to the development of businesses and the province.

On this occasion, 13 units and businesses donated over 405 million VND to join hands with the provincial Labor Federation in the work. The federation also persuaded businesses to offer 10 - 35% discounts on the goods sold at the Labor Culture House of Quang Ngai on January 23 - 24 so that workers can prepare for the coming biggest traditional festival.

In the South-central province of Binh Thuan, a delegation led by N.A. Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai presented Tet gifts to disadvantaged families in Bac Binh district.

N.A. Vice Chairman Nguyen Duc Hai (right) presents Tet gifts to disadvantaged Cham ethnic people in Bac Binh district on January 23.

Applauding the development of Bac Binh in 2023, Hai said the gifts aim to contribute to a merry Tet for all.

He voiced his hope that local authorities and people will keep upholding solidarity to weather difficulties and challenges to fulfill this year’s political tasks, develop the locality, and better care for people’s life quality.

Visiting the Binh Thuan exhibition centre for the Cham ethnic culture, the delegation sent Tet greetings and presented gifts to representatives of Phan Thanh, Phan Hiep, and Phan Hoa communes, home to a large number of ethnic minority people. Gifts were also presented to 15 religious dignitaries and seven outstanding artisans of the Cham ethnic group, 30 students from underprivileged backgrounds, and 30 poor households of this ethnic minority.

On this occasion, the Petrovietnam Gas Joint Stock Corporation and the VFF Central Committee also handed over Tet gifts worth 340 million VND in total to residents in Binh Thuan.

Source: VNA