An officer of the Border Station of Long Sap Border Gate popularizes information about the protection of national sovereignty and border security to Youth Union members and youths.
Young people attending the event

During the programs, border officers briefed participants on basic knowledge about national sovereignty and borders; overview of the border guard force and Son La border troops; position, function and missions of the border station of Long Sap Border Gate; and young people’s responsibilities for national sovereignty protection.

The program aimed to raise youths’ awareness of national border and territory issues and the functions and tasks of the border guard force, thereby promoting border-oriented activities associated with Youth Union movements; arousing patriotism, a sense of national pride and self-worth, and solidarity among youngsters, and heightening their responsibility in national construction and protection in the new situation.

Disadvantaged students receiving financial support from the unit

Also at the event, the Border Station of Long Sap Border Gate handed over financial support to 11 disadvantaged students who are studying at the school.

Translated by Song Anh