At the handover ceremony

The 125 sq.m. construction was started in June 2022 and completed after over two months at the total cost of VND 320 million. It includes classrooms, toilets, and a playing ground.

The construction was sponsored by Charity Group Binh An - Hanoi and Mrs. Do Thi Thanh Thao from Hai Phong city, and contribution of troops of Muong Cai Border Station and local people in Huoi Muoi village, Muong Cai commune.

At the ceremony, participants planted memorial trees, presented learning tools and clothes, and organized an mid-autumn festival for local children, with a total cost of over VND 40 million.

Previously, Muong Cai Border Guard Station and representatives of sponsors visited and gave gifts, worth over VND 5 million to three families hit by the recent flood.

Translated by Trung Thanh