Most recently, the provincial border guard command has kicked off the "Saturday in the Village" program and gained initial practical results. The force's creativeness and flexibility in the mass mobilization work has contributed to making positive changes to border villages and enriching the tradition of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.

Providing assistance for those in need

Cao Xuan Le, born in 2010, and his younger sister Cao Thi Nhi, born in 2013, in Mo O O village (Thuong Hoa commune, Minh Hoa district, Quang Binh province), respectively lost their father and mother in 2021 and 2023. After their parents’ passing away, the two children have had to rely on the support and care of their neighbors and the soldiers of Ca Xeng Border Post of the Quang Binh provincial Border Guard Command. They have faced exceptional difficulties since the house left behind by their parents was severely damaged and no longer inhabitable.

Troops of Ca Xeng Border Post build a new house for Cao Xuan Le and Cao Thi Nhi.

Learning about their situation, border guard troops with compassion and high sense of responsibility decided to do something for the people like Le and Nhi to alleviate their hardships. Therefore, they kicked off the "Saturday in the Village" program to mobilize resources from the community and call for the support of the local residents to build a new house for the two children with the wish that it would help ease their pain of losing their parents and have a better future.

During the program, troops of Ca Xeng Border Post braved scorching sunshine to head to O, Yen Hop, and Mo O O O hamlets to conduct practical activities to support the Ruc ethnic minority people.

According to Political Officer of Ca Xeng Border Post Senior Captain Vo Huy Thanh, the unit has collaborated with local party committees, authorities, agencies, and sectors to present gifts, worth VND 1.5 million each, to four students within the "Paving the way to school for children - Border posts’ adopted children" program and 150 sets of clothes, 50 blankets and mosquito nets, worth VND 45 million in total, to locals.

Diverse significant activities

The "Saturday in the Village" program is launched by the Quang Binh provincial Border Guard Command to enhance the quality and effectiveness of mass mobilization by taking full advantage of the role and prestige of village patriarchs, village heads, reputable people, officials of public organizations, and notably border guard officers who are members of villages’ party committees and in charge of providing assistance for households in border areas.

Through these people, units and agencies of the provincial border guard command well follow the developments of local situation, thus developing suitable dissemination measures to mobilize locals to participate in building and consolidating political bases and developing socio-economy and effectively carry out the national target programs, especially the national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Although it has been recently implemented by agencies and units of the Border Guard Command of Quang Binh province, the "Saturday in the Village" program has obtained initial practical results. In early April 2024, Lang Mo Border Post, in collaboration with the Party Committee and authorities of Truong Son commune, Quang Ninh district, Quang Binh province, and the Quang Binh General Hospital, organized a pilot program in Da Chat village, Truong Son commune. During the event, the unit’s medical personnel provided free medical examinations, health consultation, and medicines for local residents. The event attracted the participation of 200 locals. On the occasion, participating units presented gifts to students in the the "Paving the way to school for children - Border posts’ adopted children" program; handed over gifts, national flags, and 10 models of "Community Toilets" to people of the village. The total cost of the program was more than VND 100 million.

Lang Mo Border Post’s troops assist locals in harvesting peanut.

Following the success of the pilot program, on Saturdays, officers and soldiers of border posts regularly carry out meaningful activities in villages. Practical activities have been recognized and highly appreciated by the local party committees, authorities, and people. In May 2024 alone, over 960 officers and soldiers from the Quang Binh provincial Border Command, members of youths’ organizations, and local residents, jointly disseminated the Law on the Vietnam Border Guard, the Law on National Border, forest fire prevention-related knowledge; maintained the operation of  self-management teams; provided health check-ups, consultations, and medicines for people.

In addition to that, units presented gifts to ten students within the "Paving the way to school for children - Border posts’ foster children" program and ten households with active contribution to protecting sovereignty and border security. They also gave national flags and assisted locals in building vegetable growing models, harvesting crops, dredging irrigation canals, and cleaning up the environment. 

Notably, Con Roang Border Post, in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee, has put into operation a "Light in border areas" project with a total length of 1.5 kilometers, consisting of 35 solar light poles. The project was built at a total cost of over VND 100 million. Meanwhile, Lang Mo Border Post constructed a community toilet, worth VND 7 million, for locals. The total cost of activities exceeded VND 116 million.

The "Saturday in the Village" program has proved effectiveness and attracted the attention of agencies, sectors, organizations, and individuals towards the border area. The program has contributed to strengthening the strong bond between locals and border guard units, local party committees, and authorities and raising the quality and effectiveness of the border guard force’s models.


Translated by Tran Hoai