This was a meaningful construction project of the unit on the occasion of the Youth Month in 2023.

Ea Drai A is a poor village of Tan Tien commune, located in a remote area, with very difficult traffic condition. It is now home to more than 350 households, with nearly 1,600 people, mainly Ede ethnic minority people.

Troops repairing road for the locals

Previously, poor infrastructure and bad traffic law observance of the locals caused traffic accidents. Therefore, troops of the Dak Lak provincial Military Command, together with sponsors, repaired a downgraded road and installed solar lighting system for the locals.

After two days, the forces completed the repair of a concrete road crossing Ea Drai A village, and installed 13 solar light poles along both sides of the road. The local youths and teachers of Tan Tien Primary School (Tan Tien commune) also helped the troops conduct the construction, contributing to deepening the military-civilian ties.

Mr. Y Xa Co Bya, Head of Ea Drai A village held that the troops implemented a meaningful project for the village as they brought light to the area.

In the coming time, the unit is expected to hand over breeding cows and goats to two demobilized soldiers’ families; and offer gifts to needy students with good academic records in Tan Tien commune.

Translated by Minh Anh